Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PND Culture Clip Reflections

1. Which movie did you choose and why?
I chose to make a movie about the ping pong club at Peoria Notre Dame.

2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?

I used my iMovie, Garageband, and filming/directing skills to make the movie appealing and interesting. I learned how to use iMovie better than I knew before. 

Describe all subsections in your video. (Interview with coach detailing practices/season; voiceover description of program benefits; etc)

The video started out with a quote, and then it opened to a title slide. After the title slide came an introduction slide that introduced everyone with a stop motion effect. We put in a video of Forrest Gump playing ping pong, and then a deep pitched voice of me saying, "Join the ping pong club." Then we added the audio interview with Mr. Smith with pictures, text, and video as visual aids. For example, we had a video of professionals playing ping pong and of Alli walking down the hall. Immediately following Alli's clip, we had a montage of Jose and me playing our own ping pong match. This concluded with the works cited and the credits.

4. For which of these subsections were you responsible?

I was responsible for all of the subsections, mostly because of the fact that there were some features that I knew how to implement into the project that others in the group did not understand  how to use. Most of this resulted in me controlling most of the project, while other members of the group helped find information to put into the video.

5. Which tool / editing trick did you use to make one or more of them more interesting?

I used slow motion to make a clip more entertaining, pitch bends to make a different-sounding voice, and voiceovers to cover up a flawed audio track.

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