Sunday, March 20, 2011

Charity Project Reflections

1. List the name of your business and its charity.
Business: Dave Matthews Band
Charity: Bama Works Fund

2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?

I learned how to quickly and efficiently use a mailing list from Excel, how to write a business letter, and how to format an Excel spreadsheet to implement well with Word.

3. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project?

The easiest part was bringing the mailing list into Word. It was so simple to do. The most difficult part was writing and formatting the business letter.

4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter.

I could use them to send wedding invitations, investment letters, and other business-related letters that require mass amounts of people to receive them.

5. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what?

Yes, I learned how to use Mailing Lists. They make it very east to send letters to many different people without effort.

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